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O Espaço A3 desenvolve a sua actividade na área da educação. O conceito baseia-se na criação de um espaço acolhedor na área da Avaliação e Intervenção Psicopedagógica e desenvolve-se através de uma oferta de serviços de qualidade que visam desenvolver nas crianças e jovens competências para Aprender e Alcançar objectivos pessoais, escolares e profissionais com Autonomia.

A Equipa do Espaço A3 tem como objectivo principal marcar a diferença pela qualidade da intervenção psicológica e pedagógica, que não se deve alongar no tempo, a não ser o estritamente necessário, sendo estes os seus principais factores de diferenciação. O objectivo central é desenvolver a autonomia da criança ou jovem para que este possa prosseguir as suas aprendizagens com sucesso.

Este blog apresenta os artigos e opiniões de todos aqueles que querem compartilhar as suas experências pessoais, ideias e perspectivas sobre assuntos diversos ligados à educação.

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terça-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2010

ROS BLACKBURN, Person with autism, UK

Ros Blackburn is an adult with Autism. At three months old she appeared withdrawn, isolated and very much in a world of her own. At six months she was diagnosed profoundly deaf, which later proved to be far from correct. Finally at a year old she was diagnosed severely autistic but with average intellectual ability. Now at 34, Ros tends to feel that while many areas of her autistic condition have remained very severe, others, such as her severe language delay, have disappeared almost completely.
In her talk entitled ‘Logically Illogical’; Ros describes many aspects of living and working with autism and gives an invaluable insight into her world of autism. She uses humour and gives graphic examples of her experiences. She talks about her history from her early diagnosis to the
present time and discusses some of the practices that played an invaluable part in her progression. Ros talks about the positive as well as the negative side of living with autism: she describes the fun she has as well as the ways in which her autism continues to restrict her life and the sort of support she needs to have. Her talk also illustrates the problems of having an uneven profile of strengths and weaknesses, where often the strengths mask her very real difficulties and needs. Finally, it is Ros’ wish that all those who attend her talks find them helpful
and informative but above all that the experience is entertaining and full of fun.

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